foo, oh man, sing it! i know that tune... having let go of corporate life over 5 years ago, and struggling to answer the question, ok, now what? i spent 4 years awakening, searching, learning, and just enjoying. i too struggled with the notion of having to make a living, and pay the bills. i started my own company because i always wanted to, and thought that would be my way forward. but, i really didn't know what i wanted to do with it, so it was an avenue to discover and play with that, but did not lead to any real business, and definetly no income. i am not sure what is holding me back, possibly my believing it is possible and desireable to do this, regardless of what the mba tells me about running a business. so, when i was at my lowest, a contract opportunity showed up, and now there 'is enough' to pay the bills, and get back on my feet, and allow me the opportunity to hone the skills and strengths i believe i want to use in a business, and also a realization that i don't necessarily have to have my own company to do the things i enjoy.. i can find those opportunities anywhere, and that is basically to help folks address the why are we here, what do we do, and how do we do it for something that inspires and motivates us. and, by the way, 'prove' that it is possible to make a living doing that. enjoy, and trust, if i can offer anything of value...