Your Connection to Nature
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10-16-2008, 11:17 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
i always make a point of placing my hands in the soil and feeling it's powerful energies.
planting non-hybrid seeds in the soil and observing that life-form grow from the earth is to me one of the most beautiful sights here on earth! and the beauty of eating your very own home-grown vegetables is so pleasing to the spirit,and healthy to the body.they taste so delicious!!!
if we all begin to actually feel the earth's soil, touch it and reconnect to it's energies we will become tuned-in to mother natures vibrations once again.
go grab a handful today and remember how wonderful it really feels! children do this naturally all the time.have you ever watched a child playing in the garden?they grab the soil and even roll around in it
remember how fabulous that feels! it's so much fun
and you become connected to nature in ways never experienced before.seeing this world through the eyes of a child is a really wonderful way to *experience*. children really don't care if they become muddy or dirty -instead they totally experience 'in the moment'.this enables them to connect to all the beautiful gifts that nature has to offer.
walking through a forest and woodland is paradise to me.these sacred areas are abundant with a never ending source of beautiful life.
the wonderful times ahead for us all here on earth will act to
us to mother earth like never before!
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