Your Connection to Nature
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10-16-2008, 03:44 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi brian and others here in this and gratitude to you : )
i have connected more with nature in the last couple of years than i have in my entire life...thanks for the refresh to help all tune in : )
a snippet from one of my posts in the past...many good past posts on "nature connections" by many of the members here, brian..thanks again for bringing it back to refresh!
methinks it is time, right now, for us to take a good look at just about everything we have been led to believe about this current societal reality we "seem" to be embedded in. there is an intense upgrade of energy coming onto this wonderful planet earth...and my solar meditation process of the last year and a third just happens to be one very direct way to connect...
there are many others ways, too! god-given ways...not man-made ways...that is nature and water and wind and light. time to re-connect to the fullest capacity each of us is time to forget about time as we know it and do everything we do in front of us in the now as though it were a spiritual happening...because every moment is just that...a spiritual matter what it is we are, play, prayer, meditation...every single little thing we do is a very big thing because we are re-learning that all the little things are spiritual and when we embrace this everything becomes spiritual.
the more we enjoy nature with a loving embrace the bigger nature will be.
the more we enjoy each other with a loving embrace the bigger love will be. the more we interact with one another right in front of us in the now the more interaction there will be with one another in the now. we are changing the world...each one of changing our world in front of us. each positive, loving step we take we will get ten times the helping and loving energy to push us and pull us along. changing the world to love by loving everything and everyone in front of us. the energy is never we have never experienced. just simply decide to experience it!
sungazing - page 5 - divine cosmos discussions:
onward and upward!
things are changing in double-time, triple-time...
time to help each other tune in every moment in the moment.
individual loving togetherness is changing everything...
and nature is loving togetherness!
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