Re-branding Asperger's
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08-09-2008, 11:35 AM
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Oct 2005
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interesting, johnasmodeus.
i've been reflecting a little, and although i can't say for sure, i like you think there are probably other explanations for some of the things which i can relate to in asperger's.....i think my mother- who's sister's grandson does have asperger's- has been trying to find out if i could have it, because for her it would help explain things about me (i don't think she's quite ready to buy into the other, so called "new age" theories yet....which if you think about it, are not really "new age"....i don't really like that term).
we are so much more than just a physical body....those who realize this are perhaps not so "airy fairy" as people might like to think.... the existence of the soul and consciousness is as real and scientific as anything else, and they are simply ahead of their time.
there is so much we have yet to discover and fit together, and we will.
we mustn't be discouraged when a piece of the jigsaw that appeared to fit doesn't quite fit where we thought.....we can just keep trying.
(often i write these things as much to keep encouraging myself as anybody else!). :d
another thing which could explain some of my problems might simply be that they are side-effects due to my high sensitivity which i must simply learn to live with through finding
(i love that word).
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