Re-branding Asperger's
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09-09-2008, 12:28 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hello everyone, let me first state that as well as haveing asperger's i am also dyslexic, so i hope all who read this can understand. i was diagnosed as haveing asperger's in 2005 at the age of 39. when i was at school in the 70's i found life almost intolarabole and had a server mental backdown at the age of 12. for manny years i surched for an anser as to why i found the company of strangers terifiying and after a wonderfull spirichal mowment in a book shop in norwich uk, i then discoverd what was the trubole and then had it profeshanaly veryfide.
now i am not so shore that asperges is what is the dificulty. after being kicked out of a church i went to for being an aspie, i started to be aware that there was a very posative powerfull spirichal forse (what i call the unaversal spirit) that has helped me to see that what i thoght was the truth was infaced a half truth. to cut a very long emosanal story short i have found that i am a wanderer. this has satesfide all my questons as to the strange dreams and the fellings that i'm not from hear. a knowing i have had since i was 5. what i will say to all you good people out there is, please don't be to hursh on aspies or any other laboles that so caled lernned people put on folk, it is after all there way of understanding what is difarent.
i'm proud to be an aspie wanderer with dyslexia.
said to you all with love, from richard. xx
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