Re-branding Asperger's
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09-14-2008, 02:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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this is something everyone should do a google search on, and also the man who pioneered it, [please pm for name]
if we all knew each others bio type this would help the world tremendously in understanding each other. for example, i know why david constantly gives backgrounds to so many different topics hes talking about whenever he does an interview. not only because it helps build a better picture to the story but its alo because his bio type, which is known as a torso sway walker.
just what exactly is a bio type?, let me give some background (im also a torso sway walker)
johnny is an adult with aspergers syndrome, which means he is basically a gifted genius. most people call it a "higher" form of autism. he cannot recognize faces or pick up on social cues like many "normal" people can. its like us staring at a bunch of monkeys and they all look the same, and we dont pick up on any of their social cues without close observation.
so as a child and like many autistic people he was extremely observant, and noticed that certain people who walked a certain way would behave a certain way. this gift developed out of necessity since most of his peers were very harsh and judgemental and picked on him because they usually didnt say what they meant so he interpreted things wrong and in turn he would say and do things a socially unacceptable times and get bio typing was born....
he would notice how someone stood or walked and know exaclty how to greet them without any conflict because the way these people carried themselves physically determined their personality traits. which would show up consistently in other people of the same bio type. after traveling all over the world, and working as a mime under the guidance of marcel marceau gained the exquiset knowledge of the body he has today. he concluded, (especially after visiting a tribe in the amazon with all three bio types represented in the people there) that there are 3 bio types and they are irrespective of race or gender, and you have the same bio type from the moment your born to when you die.
the 3 bio types are, backwards faller, torso sway walker, and forward faller, these bio types also have certain breathing patterns, and learned to walk as a child in a certain manner. as some of you may know johnny was key in dick clarks recovery because of his gift. especially how much he knew about the bodies mechanics, which he studied for many years. its safe to say there is no other person who is in tune with the bodies musculoskeletal system as him, otherwise you would see much more about them.
part of his gift is the ability to visualize the entire 600+ muscles in our body all at once, this is a normal thing for people with autism, its much like animals. they both are right hemisphere dominant and think in pictures, just as [name] book suggests (google her too) many of you know that there are different brain wave pattersn such as alpha beta(both are waking state) and theta(meditation), and that when we are meditating it takes many people a while to get into theta.
well, when he was hooked up to an eeg, as soon as it was turned on he was already in theta, in fact he can switch theta on and off like a lightbulb...pretty fascinating eh?
one of the things he teaches is how you solve a problem physically carries over to other areas of your life. and to demonstrate this he will ask someone to stand up, all the while he is holding a volleyball(or something similar), and then he asks them how do you react to stress, and usually the person tells them how they try to
with it. then he pretends to throw the ball(stressor) at them. he makes his observation(its instantaneouse) on thier reaction. this tells them how they really react with stress, which is usually far from what they say.
i purposely left out the exact details of the bio types because i encourage people to read his book and learn about his philosophy as much as possible. i know in my heart if we all walked around and said, "oh, jims that way because hes a forward faller, its ok. then the world would be alot better.
pm me for any additional info and the books.
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