Sleep and aliens
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09-18-2008, 07:07 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
it is impossible to answer your question. only you can find the answer as none of us can live it for you. what do you feel like when you awaken? how does the face you see make you feel? is the sleep a restful one or do you wake up feeling agitated.
the workings of the higher densities are not to be understood at this point in our path. the possibility/probabilities of what is happening are as infinate as creation itself.
perhaps positive energies/entities are re-wiring your meridians to align with the instreamings of energy that our planet is traversing through.
perhaps negative entities are using the sleep state to download information after you begin reading because you are in a receptive state.
if this always happens i would assume you have not been reading spiritual information for long as that would seriously impede a long distance study of such info.....
maybe you just find it boring.... hahahah
when i began my search i started with all the old texts. the torah, the q'uran, the holy bible, the bhagavad ghita etc. most of these books put me to sleep when i would read them, i usually read them in bed because i knew i would be napping soon. and to be honest its because they did bore me, but they were the foundation of my knowledge and i knew i had to read them before i moved forward and so i did. actually it was the eastern texts (bhagavad ghita, mahabharata, epic of gilgamesh and the toa te ching) that really began spiking my interest and i no longer dozed when i read....
but once again... how do you feel emotionally before, during and after? that may be an important key to the what/why.
continue spiraling ever upwards,
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