The Spiritual Closet
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09-17-2008, 04:52 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi wanderer,
it's good to hear from you again. you've hit on a topic that i'm sure we all deal with daily. i'll be glad to share you my thoughts and approach.
first, i try to interact with other people as though my life were like theirs. i do occasionally find that people are drawn to spiritual conversations when they are around me. i believe that this is due to their picking up on my orientation.
i take each such discussion as a unique situation, and i try to approach it a little like ra did in his sessions. i listen to their questions, and attempt to answer them truthfully, but only on a level that they can understand, and that does not run the risk of infringing on their free will. clearly, since i cannot read their past lives, current missions, aura, or mind like ra could, i tend to err on the side of withholding information until and if i see them demonstrate an understanding of what i've said already. sort of like ra waiting for don to penetrate the outer meaning of some of his statements before providing more detail.
i am blessed with a spouse that shares my spiritual beliefs and we have had many discussions about these things throughout our 20 years together. although i found the law of one first, i shared knowledge of it with her immediately. it took her over a year to choose to start reading the books though, and during the interim, i chose not to discuss what i had gleened from them, at least until she chose to ask about them.
i think this forum is a great tool to allow those like us to converse without worrying about how we will be received. i do still try to make sure that i don't infringe other's free will here as well, though. this is ever a possibility.
i hope that helps some,
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