Karmic hit parade thread
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11-09-2008, 11:59 PM
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Oct 2005
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ok, i know we discussed it last time dw mentioned his belief that we will 'pay' in a karmic way for the unlawful act of downloading an mp3 that could presumably be sold to us instead but this opens several important points i think.
not to be flip, but if 'there's only one of us here' then why is it a punishable offense? it's my song and my record company! anyway, at the very least we can conclude that karma only applies when we think we are separate from oneness, does karma stop happening when you reach a certain density then?
if ra (for example) downloads a pirate version of dw's 'what is my purpose' mp3 does he take a karmic hit?
ok, now, an mp3 isn't as good a quality as say a wav of aiff file so is the karmic hit less than say duplicating your buddy's cd? and quality aside, i find it a little hard to believe that dw never dubbed a cassette tape back in his scandalous youth. (which we all did but was totally illegal, remember the dire prognostications on record sleeves of "home taping is destroying the music industry", it was only a few decades ahead of it's time).
music was sold for higher prices per song (think 45's), when adjusted for inflation, in the 80's so would you take a bigger karmic hit for dubbing a cassette from your buddies 45 than for a 99cent mp3? as the karmic hit is for stealing right?
ok, i'm not picking on dw as he's the coolest cat i know (from his words anyway) but if i don't point out the things (and you don't comment) that seem to be a slippery slope of arbitrary morality then who will and where does it end?
where does the karmic hit parade end?
if you steal an mp3 of a pat boone song (for example) one that he only recorded in the first place because the original version by the black group wasn't allowed on the racist controlled radio, do you take a lesser hit because of the circumstances?
if you downloaded an mp3 of a song that had been stolen from the real songwriter would you only take the hit on the part that the producer did?
if you are poor do you take a lesser hit for downloading an mp3 than someone who is rich?
hell, if bill gates and the king of saudi arabia did a song and then figured they'd sell it, just because they could, not even for charity, just because they wanted to for fun, and you, with ten bucks to last you to pay day got a hold of a pirate copy of that song do you take the same karmic hit as a bono song he's selling for charity?
karmic hits are all about right and wrong right?
who decides what's right and wrong?
i think that there might be a karmic hit but there's also a positive effect for appreciating the content. i'm going to be beaten to a bloody pulp by all my karmic hits but i love a whole lot of music, way more than i could ever afford to buy from the man. (ok so i'm a little defensive! but it seems so nit-picky to suggest a 'negative' reaction from something that is becoming ubiquitous in a world where the same legally structured money grubbing corporations that sell mp3's also sell weapons and deadly chemicals etc etc.
if each mp3 is a distinct karmic hit then does the president of one of those racist white power record companies get a karmic hit for each time his 'wrong' message is listened too?
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