Have I made contact with beings of another density?a lil help please
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09-09-2008, 07:46 PM
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Oct 2005
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hmmm, well when that exact same thing happened to me, (i was on a couch though) it was right before 911.
i kept going even though my mind somewhat resisted, my body didn't resist at all. it was in no way like astral travel where i feel more like i am in the same space but just "beside" myself or behind the mirror or something.
this was way different, as i was no longer "right here" but was instead pulled up into a pure white light. there was a man there with white hair who kind of lectured me in a way to get me back on track etc.
even though i know now it was an experience out of loving intent, at the time i was absolutly terrified, and still remeber struggling on the way back to my body being paralized for a bit after i got back.
it was the same except for the buzzing and noises part is more like astral travel beginging for some people. for me it is pretty much quiet and peaceful except for some guides that have talked to me quietly a few times.
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