2008 - A Year Of An Odd Vibration
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08-28-2008, 08:05 AM
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Oct 2005
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2008 - A Year Of An Odd Vibration
for some reason i cannot point my finger to anything very climatic or special. everything seems low toned and at sometimes feels like it is magnifying area's of stunted developement in both a personal scale and a global scale bringing back re-occuring patterns of some of our biggest weaknesses.
the reason i write this post is for some reason everything almost feels like it is at a standstill and movement has come to almost a halt as if we are going through the proccess of revealing everything that is unhealthy in the world in order for a great catalyst to happen pushing us to regurgitate the areas of "darkness" from within.
i do not know if this is the same thing many others are experiencing but have been mentioning it to my close contacts and they same to be feeling the same thing (mostly unconsciously).
it could be a vibrational influence is only applicable to me and my astrological influence (which consists a lot of the fire element) bringing me to feel things are slowed down and unexciting but am pretty sure it is not.
today especially i felt something odd in the air which was august 27th and i talked to a few average consciousness people and they all seemed to agree with what i had to say and they seemed to have the same curiousity today as i have.
it has been overall frustrating at times because i felt like my surroundings and line of events do not seem to resonate with what my conscious mind would choose but at the same time i realize that many people end up faltering this way because they sort of mess up thier intuitive endeavors because they are short of patience. i have based most of my personal choices on choosing to trust and stay as present as possible but when i start looking from the ego everything almost seems as if it is backwards.
on the positive side i am learning a lot about the water element (patience, care, healing, small scale, sensitivity ect ect.) and have a greater understanding of it on a symbolic scale but from time to time have a hard time applying it to myself consciously and i think many others are on the same boat when i say we are all going through tough-karmic times (again.. meaning that which we constatly unconsciously do that is harmful and is repeditive to our cyclic nature and have the hardest time liberating ourselves from). also a good thing i have noticed is how sly the ego can be ego meaning; dilusional self identification, and have learned how it operates on many levels and have been able to internally communicate how to keep your focus out of that state which is probably mankinds biggest contributing factor towards that which is unhealthy.
i have learned before we can overcome parts of the things we do not like the first step towards doing so is first concsiously realizing it is there in the first place and this is happening to practically everbody and event that i have put my minds eye attention towards. yes.. everything seems to be going through the shift and maybe this is a great contributing factor to what david keeps continually pointing too.
no one can deny the rate at which stability is gaining much more instability.
so give me some feedback if this purtains to you and you feel some kind of chord struck from within that resonates with this post.
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