There's Only One of Us Here -- Part 2
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03-09-2008, 02:18 PM
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Oct 2005
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for me i think i intuitively know that we are all one. but i don't feel that we are all one. that feeling is something that i'm working towards.
when i think of the world i think of it like looking at the colour comics up close where its just all a bunch of little dots , with nothing separating all the different people or things. i know that that is the way it is, but i haven't really experienced that feeling of being one with everything.
i can't wait to , but i don't think it will happen in 3d. i think there are probably very few people who can actually say that they physically and emotionally feel one with everyone/everything all the time. (you'd get nothing done, just sit there being blissed out all the time)
i have fleeting moments where i feel like i might glimpse something like that but i don't think it's really part of my 3d experience.
i am in no rush to get there, i don't think it's a race and i think we all just walk our own spiritual paths at a pace that is perfect for us. no one is any better or worse than anyone else. you get what you need, when you need it.
sometimes i wish i had more paranormal/metaphysical experiences like other people, but i am sure my time will come.
when i listened to jill bolte taylor's experience of her stroke of insight
i thought she has actually experienced that oneness first hand. i'm not ready to take a fast track to oneness like she did.
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