There's Only One of Us Here -- Part 2
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05-09-2008, 04:43 PM
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••• there is only one of us here. i'm not here. you're not here. nobody 'out there' is really there. there's only god. we are all one. there is no separation. •••
the real toughie with this one is that we inherently very much feel like we are here (just as the illusion can feel downright real). it's easier to accept that maybe everyone else isn't really there, as part of some illusion, but "dammit, i'm sure as heck real enough!" this little perception problem gets compounded when you have a group of friends together, each insisting that they are very much 'there'. then it quickly becomes a game of "well, if i'm here, and you're really 'there', then maybe just we are really 'here', but it's everyone else you can't see who's not really there." and this quickly devolves into drawing up possible lists of who is and isn't really there, which gets far and away from the real point. it's hard to take in!
then enters immorality, where people start saying things like "well, if they're not real, then i'll just go shoot them dead, since they're not real anyway. then where will that leave things?" humans, (well most of them), place value on human life (& other forms of life), so when you take away the 'humaness' or 'realness' quality of these other life forms, they suddenly become dispensible & exploitable-for-gain. there's no need to 'respect' that which isn't really there. again, the implications of this adage are hard to take in and process properly without a relevant framework.
one common analogy used to describe us all within the context of our relationship with god is to compare it to the very cells that make up your human body. there are 'good' cells (most of them) that contribute to the body's healthy functioning and 'bad' cells (mutated or damaged or errant autoimmunes or cancerous ones) that put their own agenda above the body's, or are otherwise misprogrammed. in essence, they are all one (body), but at the same time, they are also very much themselves and very alive on their own. granted, they cannot endure without the complete system (they're co-dependent upon the maintenance of a homeostatic environment), but each is by definition, very real, and very much there. and the body couldn't do without them all. this analogy is relatively easy to digest.
but the course of miracles says, essentially, that those 'cells' aren't really there, that only the body as a whole is there, and that there is no separation between them. those cells really are just the body. well, last time i checked, my body kind of operated on a 'higher' level than on the cellular one, definitely insofar as we don't chat casually with each other (although there is definitely 'some kind' of understanding between us). ***it's really just a matter of perspective!*** to the body, the cells don't really look like they're there (unless a microscope is handy), but to the little guys, they sense that they very much are there, and it's the body as a whole they have trouble 'perceiving'.
so when the course of miracles says we aren't really here, we're all really one, and that one is god, well, that would definitely be the pov from god's perspective. from the little guys' pov, we are very much here, alive & kickin'. to purport that we are not is to align yourself with a mistaken case of pov. "truth" has always been defined as a matter of perspective. remember the saying "that which exists, exists?" (as a direct analog to "nothing unreal exists.") it's tough to accept that one's existence is unreal, since that would equate us with nothing (not with god). it's much easier to accept one's existence as real, under the adage "i am, therefore i exist."
except from a god's-eye-view, this whole statement from the course of miracles appears to be a self-denying one. people much more readily accept that a piece of god resides inside them (and thus they are co-creators). they do not want to accept that they don't exist, nor do they want to accept that they are god (and thus they are the creator). they don't want to "own" the entire portfolio... it's too big! they'd sooner picture their piece re-merging with god at some point of spiritual evolution than to claim they are already god.
••• there is only now. there is no past, no future, only the eternal present. as forgiveness leads time in our illusion to collapse and condense into a single point, the end of time meets the beginning, and all points in between coalesce into an all-pervasive experience in which time is irrelevant. •••
ah, time loops. or 'no-time' or 'all-time' points. the enigma that has killed many a star trek episode.
i won't go too far down this road or we'll be here all night! but while one can romantically entertain the notion of timelessness easily enough, adhering to its reality is quite another.
existence without time implies a static condition, since change can only take place over time. then there's the old saying, "time exists so that everything doesn't all happen at once," which, is in essence, the very condition we're putting forth these days as a highly-evolved goal... the collapsing of time down to an infinite moment. david's ideas of a time/space continuum vs. a space/time one like the one we're immersed in now is palpable enough (for a 4d reality stretch), but to crystallize all existence down to a singularity is a toughie on the brain. to compress all learning, all growth, all maturation, all relations, all experiences, perceptions, ideas, & innovations into a single point makes one wonder if such a state is really a desirable one!
the course of miracles sort of considers 4d, 5d, and 6d densities to be nothing more than part of the illusion, and sort of 'skip to the end' by suggesting the use of forgiveness as the tool to collapse time down to a single, yet infinite, moment where we are everything & everywhere, which is the epitomy of graduation beyond 7d, right? but if we are all god in the first place, and god is everywhere and everything and time is just one continuous moment, are we not then already at that point? and if we are, then what's the point with making it so tough to wake up from the dream? you'd think there'd by a handier "that's enough" button while indulging in a subset of all-experiences cast over time. why the forgiveness chore to get back out?
perhaps when you take god and spread him out, say, over a solar system where moving planetary bodies create the perception/reality of time, then part of god breaks into little pieces of spirit/mind/body complexes, which actually are separate from the whole, and don't reunite again until time is dispensed with once more (in 7d+).
but wouldn't that concept invalidate the course of miracles, which insists that there is no separation, and never was? if there never was, why haven't i, or can't i, see things from god's perspective? that seems to be the pov we're going for.
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