There's Only One of Us Here -- Part 2
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07-10-2008, 12:28 AM
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Oct 2005
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existence without time implies a static condition, since change can only take place over time. then there's the old saying, "time exists so that everything doesn't all happen at once," which, is in essence, the very condition we're putting forth these days as a highly-evolved goal... the collapsing of time down to an infinite moment. david's ideas of a time/space continuum vs. a space/time one like the one we're immersed in now is palpable enough (for a 4d reality stretch), but to crystallize all existence down to a singularity is a toughie on the brain. to compress all learning, all growth, all maturation, all relations, all experiences, perceptions, ideas, & innovations into a single point makes one wonder if such a state is really a desirable one!
the course of miracles sort of considers 4d, 5d, and 6d densities to be nothing more than part of the illusion, and sort of 'skip to the end' by suggesting the use of forgiveness as the tool to collapse time down to a single, yet infinite, moment where we are everything & everywhere, which is the epitomy of graduation beyond 7d, right? but if we are all god in the first place, and god is everywhere and everything and time is just one continuous moment, are we not then already at that point? and if we are, then what's the point with making it so tough to wake up from the dream? you'd think there'd by a handier "that's enough" button while indulging in a subset of all-experiences cast over time. why the forgiveness chore to get back out?
perhaps when you take god and spread him out, say, over a solar system where moving planetary bodies create the perception/reality of time, then part of god breaks into little pieces of spirit/mind/body complexes, which actually are separate from the whole, and don't reunite again until time is dispensed with once more (in 7d+).
but wouldn't that concept invalidate the course of miracles, which insists that there is no separation, and never was? if there never was, why haven't i, or can't i, see things from god's perspective? that seems to be the pov we're going for. existence without time does imply a static condition, and the concept of infinite intelligence itself implies a state of zero experience other than awareness of a pure unity and potentiality which is purposeless without some realization of that potentiality.
i can't conceive of any means by which the potential creator may advance beyond this pure potential/no experiencing but through movement, movement into intelligent energy, and now you necessarily have everything which is implicit with that movement - for example, perception of time and space necessarily result along with a perception of movement, as does the concept of manyness (observer and observed).
the creator (now having subjected itself to mystery) marvels at the new distorted appearance of that which was/is always one, and wonders at the fact that every part of this zone of realized potentiality contains the whole of it's previous essense of intelligent infinity, including each 'part' of itself. it wonders at the fact that the tiniest, slightest movement had the effect of rippling the pond, so to speak, and distorting this perfect immobile and undifferentiated essense into a universe of infinite complexity and mystery and manyness of apparent living beings.
the creator experiences itself as being 'smeared' into infinite parts, each existing with the upward calling home, and tasked with the role of first hand discovery of itself, and it's environment and it's relationshp thereto. each part is bound to discover for itself, and nothing is given which is not the fruit of the exploration of the entity.
now maybe the creator in it's infinite intelligence knew that it would be putting itself into a state of relativity and mystery and confusion, and by incorporating torsion energy into the fabric of the universe, designed a failsafe system by which there would always be an upward-spiraling pull back towards intelligent infinity/oneness. one might call this system many things, including love, but perhaps without this failsafe, the creator would forever entropy out into it's creation, never to return.
so, now, the creator experiences the joys of experience - all the experiences of all lifeforms are the direct experiences of the creator, for in fact every lifeform is the creator in a unique place of experiencing. here, one may peruse the notion that the 'joy of life' journey through the densities by the many parts is reason enough for creation, an antidote to an infinity of potential with no experiencing.
it's not a stretch to image that from time to time, there's a pocket of life which gets drawn out of the slow, gentle upward pull back towards oneness, perhaps kind of like a leaf caught in an eddy on a stream. here, a little extra help may be required to jolt the stuck denizens into remembering somewhat that they are not intrinsically separate beings, thus perhaps helping them back into the flow of life back to oneness.
i feel that this is somewhat the case with the people on this planet - recall ra mentioning that this period of third density existence on earth was unique in that the recalcitrant, non ascending remaining populations of several other planetary third density evolutions which had since moved up into higher densities were lumped together here, as the non-ascending remainders of each of these planetary populations were too small to each warrant an entire planet to repeat third density on.
it would appear that we're largely a collection of hard-core non-evolvers, stuck in a rut somehow and unable to transcend our sense of separateness to the extent where we are repeating the same catalytic lessons ad-nauseum, yet not appreciably moving towards harvestability. thus the urgency at this juncture of history in regards to the ministrations of our kinfolk who have passed through the eye into higher densities before us. the end of a great cycle is an accelerated time of potential increase of opportunity for spiritual awakening, a time when the effect of our thoughts, attitudes and deeds is much more rapidly and clearly apparent - thus allowing an increased ability to learn from choices made.
because free will (the law of confusion) is the first distortion of existence, (thus ensuring that the creator experiences it's creation in full, without it's individual aspects (entities) being deprived of the opportunity to choose their own method of experiencing) those that would help us from the 'outside' are unable to do more than benignly suggest to us things of the nature of what we really are - as well as help facilitate the instreaming of spiritual light energy into our sphere. a truly benevolent source of help would never try to force upon an entity that which the entity wasn't ready to experience. this would be tantamount to depriving the entity of the privilege of choosing the means of it's own experiencing.
now although some folk make it sound as though we're expected to cut our inter-density journey as short as possible, i don't feel this is the general jist of what is being taught in either the acim or the loo.
- separation is ultimately illusory, and knowing/intuiting/learning to live this while we are enmeshed in the universe of apparent separateness is most useful in more gracefully and lovingly interacting with our environs, staying forwardly dynamic in the joy of discovery/illumination, and increasing our ability to serve as a conduit of love into the world at large, and our fellow travelers.
- separation
real insofar as it facilitates the experiencing of the creator/ourselves. without separation, there would be no experiencing.
a great flurry of activity exists right now in regards to helping those on earth who have been stuck, but in more general terms, i think the greatest benefit to learning the lessons of spirit is to better enjoy the ride we're all on, and to stay within the gently uprising currents of continued discovery and evolution, as opposed to trying to rush towards the end, or feeling this distorted old universe is evil or undesirable in some way - as the ride is being taken by the creator for its/our own sake.
just a personal distorted muse, filled with the 'errors' of confusion.
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