help from a beginner with a "spirit problem"
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09-09-2008, 04:56 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
welcome, sheila.
i am praying for you in my heart right now. take it easy. life is very difficult, being a human being is very difficult (i cried when david said that in his "science of peace" reading).
try something to distract you, something you enjoy very much which will give you some release. i enjoy singing...not that i'm any good.
flying, yes. i had recurring dreams like that too when i was little. i may have even had an out of the body experience once or twice, but i'm not sure if it was real or just a dream.
the pineal gland....yes, i think i may have something blocking mine too, although part of it, i feel, is perhaps i'm not ready yet to open myself up to a large extent psychically. i used to feel negativity surround me in the night as a child, which terrified me so i prayed for protection and it worked. i was more psychic as a child than i am now...i used to dream all the time and was even a bit clairaudient.
one thing i've been doing lately, if i remember, is just before i go to sleep, to focus on the area of my third eye. the first time i did this, i woke up in the morning with my head full of stuff in answer to a question i'd had for a long time, clarifying the meaning of the souls' evolution and "oneness".
i wonder if crystals might help too? a few months ago i tried placing a piece of labrodorite, which i like, under my pillow, and my dreams seem to increase (i don't dream very often any more).
anyway, wishing you all the best and sending my love your way.
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