help from a beginner with a "spirit problem"
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09-09-2008, 09:01 PM
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Oct 2005
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jane, you are a very open and seeking soul, whatever choice you make you are always loved, and if you need a little extra love to help you through obstacles such as this someone or something always seems to be there to help.
one thing that i have learned is that the greatest influence on your life is yourself. the way i like to see it is, there is nothing wrong with you unless you think there is. me, i used to do a lot of drugs and drinking and was so elitist, conceited, and cocky towards everyone else.
others behaviors towards me made me realize that maybe what i was doing was wrong, their love (whether it was knowingly or not knowingly) towards me made me realize that what i was doing according to myself, not just them, was wrong. the funny thing is, is that it was negativity towards me, not love, but i turned it in to constructive criticism and made a change.
i still have flashes of drug usage and a negative attitude but at least they are in balance and no one is harmed mentally/physically/emotionally. now i know how to forgive myself and ask for forgiveness and truly be sorry, not just lieing to myself and others. the one infinite/original creator was right all along, balance is key.
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