Could a One World Government be beneficial?
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08-18-2008, 06:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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from my readings of the cwg material i have come to the conclusion that, while overwhelmingly positive, portions of it were corrupted by negative influences, most notably in book 2 where it is talking about a one world government. this is perhaps not surprising, as this would be a prime target for manipulation, and neale donald walsch, at least at the time when that book was written, seemed to have a particular propensity to naivety where negative agendas are concerned.
that being said i am not totally against a one world government. i think there is general consensus here that any form of one world government that would appeal to those of an sto orientation would be democratic in nature. that being said, here are some characteristics that i believe would be critical for proper function..
firstly, it should be a truly democratic system. currently, there is no real democracy on this planet, but republics, whereby elected representatives cast votes on "behalf" of their constituents. clearly, this feature of republics is what makes them particularly susceptible to corruption and manipulation by special interest groups.
a representative congress whose job it is to draft law makes sense to me. having this same body then vote on the law to pass it seems quite antiquated. with the advent of the internet, there is no reason why votes cannot be put to the people directly.
as for the voting process itself, i tend to think that votes should
be equal, but weighted according to the stated interests of the voter. kind of like in rpg, where you get so many points to be distributed among different characteristics, so would each person receive an equal measure of voting power, but be required to distribute that power among various interests.
as an example, say person a gets 100 "voting points" and distributes them with a high priority among education and health care, while person b also gets 100 "voting points" and distributes them with a high priority on taxes and government spending.
if a health care bill is then put to a vote, person a's vote would be weighted more heavily than person b's, and vice-versa in the case of a tax bill. in this manner, there can be a recognition that each person counts equally from the perspective of totality while acknowledging the reality of the fact that all are not affected equally by the existence of a particular law. obviously, this is an oversimplified example, but i am using it just for illustrative purposes.
each person's point distribution would be public information, and could be changed on a regular basis, at whatever interval is deemed to be appropriate.
in this manner, there would be a greater emphasis placed on supporting what one is for, rather than fighting what one is against, and also would create an environment of transparency whereby an individual or group, could not make false projections about its values to the public.
as far as the executive branch of said world government, i would be comfortable with it if those elected and assigned to leadership positions were held in strict accountability to their word, including whatever oaths of office might be taken. you either keep your word, or you're out. plain and simple. lies, half-truths, and empty promises must not be tolerated in the least bit from those who would be our leaders.
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