Could a One World Government be beneficial?
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08-25-2008, 10:42 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i believe you are correct in what you say. first off, our creator does not judge us, the creator gave us free will to judge ourselves, hence, we can either forgive ourselves for what we do, or, we do not forgive ourselves. if we forgive ourselves, there is no need to go back to school to relearn the lesson (reincarnation). if we do not forgive ourselves, then we have to go back to school and repeat that lesson all over again till we do learn from it.
as for a one world government at this time, no, not with the leaders we have today, the only way it would work, is if you were to remove all the leader we now have, and replaced them with people who are not self centered and power corrupted as are so many who hold office this day.
i believe what we are going through right now, is a wake up call to ourselves. we have become so spiritually stagnant, that we have created this unrest as a way to force us to open our eye within. we have built such a wall between our physical selves and our spiritual selves, that we have stopped growing as spiritual beings. and that wall is the everyday mundane lives we live, we now allow ourselves to be lead around by the nose (by our government), because if we were to stop for a moment to think for ourselves, what would happen? we would become the enemy of our government for not letting them do the thinking for us, and you will see this grow at an alarming rate as time goes by. it`s all around you now, just open your eyes long enough to allow yourself to see it.
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