Why is it so hard for STO to do the right thing?
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08-30-2008, 05:48 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
i am of the belief that if someone wants your help they will usually let you know. you know how once you reach a certain age you get tired of your parents always protecting you? if you are getting involved in someone elses situation without their consent/request then there is a good possibility you are interfering more than assisting.
when everything is going smoothly you tend not to learn as much as rapidly as when everything goes to hell... as a matter of fact that is the whole reason soul evolution in 3d is faster than any other plane, because we can go through dramatic and choatic changes. if you are acting as a shield from the winds of life then the person behind you is never facing the elements. i know my major lessons usually come at the cost of experiencing major catalyst....
continue spiraling ever upwards,
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