Divine Cosmos Chat Room
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08-28-2008, 08:50 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Divine Cosmos Chat Room
i think it would be very productive to hold a good quality chat program inside the divinecosmos website. many of us are expressing ideas ect ect but forum discussions that aren't put up in real time and the communication barriers cause a lot of desired thoughts to go unposted.
not saying the forum is bad or anything just think there is much more potential with a good chat system. especially the exchange of people coupling up, seeing what eachother has to offer and producing our individual insights to one another at a real time rate.
i don't think it would be to hard to implement and would like to hear what others think of this idea.
[moderators understand the need for members to communicate by other means, but we just don't have enough mods to accomplish this. we have an immense spam problem you guys don't see too. we just can't do what you suggest, sorry
no mod gets paid here, and we only have 4, so if anyone else has a suggestion, go for it!]
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