Who felt it 8/20/08
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08-22-2008, 05:27 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
yesterday i felt an extreme calm i have been stressing a little lately about various things mostly related to a potential relocation next summer. then all of a sudden i basically felt this extreme calm and thought why am i stressing? this is the future. everything is going to work out just as i need it to.
i have decided to place my trust in my higher self and the creator that all will turn out as it should.
looking back i can see all the little steps that guided me to where i am now and it's a very comforting feeling. i feel as if my higher self is holding my hand every step of the way.
i remember reading a book (can't remember which one) where it described that each soul has basically a cheering squad around them at all times of light beings, spirit guides etc. clapping and yelling encouragement.
it's fun to visualize them sometimes sitting on a set of bleachers on the sidelines cheering me on. (although i have been known to give them the f*nger when going through a particularly rough patch).(just kidding)
so to make a long story short, yes i have felt a bit of a shift.
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