My conscience is messed up
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08-23-2008, 07:09 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
judging or critisizing myself is the worse thing i can do, no matter how i respond to others. getting caught up in "them" and "their ignorance" is a trap for me. whatever they are doing is right for them, how can i possibly judge what they are doing or where they are at? of course, easier said than done, but the understanding comes first, then the action can follow.
everything is appropriate at the time it is done, because that is what the frequency is, and nothing else can happen. my ego might tell me i am not where i'm supposed to be, or doing what i "should" be doing, based on my assessment of where i should be in this race to sainthood, but ultimately of course that's all a waste of time.
how i try to function these days: when i'm looking at someone else, come back to myself, when i'm judging myself or others, remember i don't need to judge, when i am lost in the past or the future, remember to be here now, all done in baby steps, increments, bit by bit. all those little bits eventually accumulate to a big bit, and suddenly i find myself in a whole new frequency! wow, what an adventure.
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