Building a Religion
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08-21-2008, 07:32 PM
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Nov 2005
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Building a Religion
dear friends,
be well, be love.
building a religion
richard merrick
two years ago i decided to return to a research project in music perception that i had postponed nearly thirty years earlier. it seems time had not diminished my curiosity about how we are able to organically measure the degree of dissonance and mentally anticipate the direction of resolution in music harmony. my original work in this area had taken me deep into mathematics and computer simulations in search of an explanation. now, armed with the scientific method, powerful computer tools and access to the world’s latest research, i was sure that i could determine once and for all whether our perception of music was something organic or nothing more than cultural conditioning. i had no idea that what i was about to learn would shred my faith in western science and shake the very foundation of my worldview.
slowly but surely i began to put the pieces together. from a wide array of scientific research in music cognition, neurophysiology, genetics, acoustics, quantum physics and my own calculations and experiments, i developed a set of principles and mathematical models to explain how we perceive music. naming this system interference theory, i found a way to show how harmonics play a common role in both sound and the structure of our anatomy. the theory proposes that life grows as a balance between resonance and damping just like a vibrating string and that music perception is a built-in pattern matching between the harmonic geometry of sound and identical structures in the ear and brain. in short, i came to see the entire body as a form of crystallized music.
once i had convinced myself of the existence of harmonic properties in human physiology, i found myself drawn to leonardo da vinci’s popular illustration of the vitruvian man to see what he might have known. i learned that the circle and square surrounding the vitruvian man represented the mathematical "squaring of the circle" whereby the perimeter of the square is drawn equal (as near as possible) to the circumference of the circle. proposed first by roman architect marcus vitruvius pollio in the first century bc, the squaring of the circle was intended to represent the harmony and balance in the ideal human form.
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