Do you feel Energy Changes upon us?
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08-16-2008, 12:50 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
doesn't it seem that there is a sense of peace about. within, with others, it feels like life is easier to handle and more beauty is present in each moment, action and intent.
priestoflight, little hands of support and love
anatta11:11, love in action and the balance, heart center, cool !
calpoly, your out of town visit confirmed you are were you are suppose to be, however, i bet you left sf bay area with a little more light than it had.
mozart, your presents brings more balance and light in
vjvousden, thanks for the encouragements and support. kundalini - perhaps thats why i have gotten so many snake visits this year
johnasmodeus, thanks for sharing.... you follow through and acted., i hope you keep a journey.... inspirations/messages
metamika, hold true to your passions. keep the faith, all will be ok, that you are following your divine plan. "this to, will pass"
canaan, more people of having the courage to speak in these awakening times. just to exchange, that they know something about 2012 is good. it will be a change, but we deal with those every hour, our intent now, our thoughts now, will grow that positive change. we will just catch the wave as the energy flows.... no need to learn how to swim, we will have already master that.
fill your hearts to the top, love is here to stay. share, receive and just be
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