How Do I Avoid Being a Hypocrite?
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08-14-2008, 09:44 AM
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Oct 2005
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How Do I Avoid Being a Hypocrite?
hello everyone, first time poster long time reader here. i love what you guys do, your guys positive attitude is very uplifting.
i seem to have trouble helping people learn the truly great lessons of life though. i know that you should just lead by example, but how do people come to the realization that love truly is the answer? only those who truly want to love will love.
there will still be war, hate, and negative events and emotions around the world no matter what i do to reverse that effect. people don't seem to realize that a peaceful and loving mind is the next step of evolution (at least for an sto individual). i'm pretty sure that out of most 3rd density planets earth is a cess pool of hate because the way we have it set up, the most selfish people have the most power.
how do i take down the people in power through love? they have defense mechanisms set up that they have been setting up for the past few millenia to protect themselves and their negative controlling/manipulative power.
we are a minority ("we" being people that truly realize a loving planet is the best choice) that lives in a world that doesn't tolerate us but we have to tolerate them. when trying to help the masses realize their ignorance, intolerance, disrespect, and unloving nature is not the right way to go they just test me, tell me i'm wrong, and annoy me in whatever way until i have to snap and become one of 'them' and act animalistic to protect myself and my stance. once i snap they never forget that i did that one time and hold it against me and i'm just a hypocrite.
i intend on patenting my invention then licensing it to different companies and if i make enough money i want to make a little community somewhere remote and just only invite people like you to come and go freely, if i do that though then people will just think i'm a cult leader or something outrageous like that haha.
i know it's taught that the best way to exist in a lifestyle that we live is to keep down low, but i want to make a positive impact on the global scale to make everyone realize the true power of love. i'm confused at what to do, how do i reverse the negative effects of centuries in a short period of time in a loving manner?
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