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Old 09-09-2008, 02:54 AM   #11

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hi! i would like everyone's opinions to help find spiritual answers together..
hi, jon. i'm the ferocious billybobbutterball...i read your 11 posts to get a better idea of where you are coming from. (besides north dakota )

you are asking legitimate philosophical questions, but there is a seeming problem in that they come across as an attack on some foundational pillars of which this discussion forum revolves around. those posting have supposedly read and signed off on the policy requirements before doing so. ideally all have at least a working knowledge of the work and person of david wilcock, and are familiar with the body of information known as the law of one, as found in the ra material. (a short-cut to the five volume set is a very much appreciated and most helpful study guide available on site.)

so, if we are going to find spiritual answers together on this site the study guide is a must read. fair enough?...can't answer your questions by saying: read the ra stuff that covers it... or can i?

i listened to the reading that david wilcock gave for a 'recovering christian'. can anyone tell me why someone supposedly channeling ra is more accurate than my bible? the first response to this sally might as well be, "why not?" evidentally you are not familiar with the many thousands of critiques levelled at the two testaments which argue effectively against their very legitimacy. i have written elsewhere on this site about my own experience of unconversion. there are many wonderful spiritual truths to be gleaned from both works -- i.e., if you are skilled enough to separate positive truths from false ones.

virtually all christians that i know are only familiar with one side of the issue...they have a bumper sticker mentality that reads, "the bible says it; i believe it; that settles it, so there!"

when i left the organized church i was set adrift. i never lost belief that there was some kind of god running things, and that was enough for a while to hold me together as i pondered the big question. then i ran into this site and the ra material. all of my major philosophical problems with the bibilical/god problem were resolved. it resonated with me. in comparison -- on studied examination -- the bible just didn't make real sense -- unless you were conditioned to simply accept it on faith. (it never sat well with me that jehovah calls for the killing off all those various peoples, but then he is sovereign of the universe so not to be questioned)

should i just believe it all and throw my bible away as so much garbage? so i should believe the people that wrote the bible, god's chosen prophets are wrong because ra is right? . no, that is no reason for you to throw it away. i just question who wrote what. (cayce supposedly did as luke) why should i glibly accept those strange ones who are assumed to be god's chosen prophets when i even doubt the "holy books" as being the word of god. (and i don't mean merely translated incorrectly, a disclaimer that some employ to get it off the hook)

a disembodied entity that speaks through people seems like demonic possession, aimed at deceiving many. . well, jon, put that way, that would be my first thought also! for sure, that is a big problem with channeling, negative entities get into the mix... and that is one reason why only very limited channeling sources are allowed in postings on dc. if you read the account of the ra material origin you would be impressed by the care taken to keep the channel tight and clear. it was extremely difficult and a few times it broke down, but the placed alarm bells went off to warn them. the bibles were put together by commitees.

why? my heart and soul tell me that jesus christ loves me and everyone else. i am a christian and in addition have studied the edgar cayce readings for many years.. if your heart and soul informs you so, then that's it. so be it! he does live in your heart. for some time i concluded that the evidence pointed to the figure of jesus as being merely a figure constructed to fit into the in-place myths. because of my respect for the ra material i now believe he was a real figure. supposedly his (jesus) soul group had been involved in many of the great religions of history. the phonetic connection between the hindu story of krishna and his entourage sounds like a guy with a speech defect describing the biblical personages. (see: suns of god

the ra describes jesus as at that time being a high 4d wanderer... great compassion sans 5d wisdom/knowledge. supposedly he is now studying in 5d. jesus was certainly something special in his opening a channel to a higher power. as i understand it, when a christian gets to "heaven" he will be met by an higher entity of equal density. but really, with all the time/space, space/time, business time is a real illusion... it doesn't really exist in the way we 3d'rs think.

edgar cayce believed that jesus christ loved us and made a supreme sacrifice spiritually when he willingly gave his life for humanity. and yet this very loving, caring, gentleman, edgar cayce is referred to as a brain washed christian on this website. . i'm not sure about any sacrifice bit....what made it supreme? is dying for something superior to living for it? i'm suspicious about all this blood business.goes back to when women were running the priestesshood business and menstrual blood was the mystery of new life...when the men got unruly and took over they needed something as dramatic... but how do you get menstrual blood from a man....well, ya don't, so ya open an artery. ugh!

cayce was indeed "brain washed" yes, he had a christian mindset. the ra says that they had to be very careful with cayce otherwise he would revolt and shut down. the path the ra took was to offer medical/health advice. since the ra knew nothing about human physiology they did a crash course in it. it was a long time before the reincarnation stuff came up. surprise!

please, bear with me, look at ec's life. all he did was give life readings for people that doctor's had given up all hope on, the desperate, the dying. edgar tried to love people as jesus christ did, by really caring. this is recorded fact. . i know, i read cayce stuff, and was a member of are for some years. i've made the lame joke that if david wilcock is the reincarnation of edgar that this time he came back on steroids.

the people that followed his life readings recovered. look at someone's life work to see who they really are. get the picture folks? . cayce wasn't perfect. it's incredible to me that he didn't follow the health advice of his own reading ... which resulted in his early death. a person that i have great admiration for is carla rueckert .... sure, she is sometimes cranky in the morning, as she readily admits... but she has devoted her life to helping those thirsting for spiritual truths despite health issues that would sideline such wimps as myself.

i mean, ufo's are great and all, but how do they honestly help anyone? . are you kidding? they open up the mind and stir the spirit...of course on a mere material plane they did give us the silicon chip and a few other goodies.
you asked why the govermental secrecy?...spend some time on project camelot.

if in fact edgar cayce was misguided spiritually in any way for helping people then i am also guilty as edgar was, because i believe that jesus christ is our savior and i help people at any precious opportunity i am given.. are you claiming that people on this site say that edgar was misguided for helping people? are you suprised that i think it is great that you help needy people? but how do you manage to sandwhich jesus in between you and cayce? this a testimony rather than an intellectual query? cayce was
misguided by negative spirits. when he worked with 'money' questions things often went bad.very bad! more is now understood about the 'limits of edgar cayce's power' (there was a book using that title)

i welcome any and all fair, open minded discussions. if i am missing something please let me know. . orthodox christianity offers no compromise and thus doesn't mix with new thought philosophy. when i became a christian my first act was to follow the admonition in the book of acts and spent a day burning all my esoteric books...including the cayce ones. if you try to compromise the two systems you are treading on forbidden ground... in the ancient days of the burnings you would be tortured and torched. if you mix the two you cannot identify yourself as a "christian" perhaps the best course is to introduce yourself as a freethinking "follower of jesus".

. 'love one another, even as i have loved you'. same here, friend! ... billybobbutterball aka bill gieskieng
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