Meeting Higher Consciousness Beings
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10-09-2008, 02:44 AM
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Oct 2005
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dear tenet nosce,
it is difficult to go into detail without going into a situation where i would do a reading, and readings i don't do.
i'd rather encourage everyone and see them make their own connections. after all, those that are here in service, as yourself, would need to work from their original level, before coming into this life, to be effective in their service.
everyone that comes here to be of service, will set up their lives in a particular way, depending on the service they want to give. only if we experience something can we be effective in this area.
we all would experience interferences by those that seek to gain from it. there are ways to detect attempts, and protect oneself from it to some extent.
i always ask for a particular connection, and additionally ask for protection from anything that is not of unconditional love.
further, i only connect with or through my divine self.
every information that i receive is filtered though this part of myself. it would not interfere with anything or give me information that is inappropriate.
in my view, it is wise to learn to connect with energies that are closer to us, and in service themselves, first, before attemting to connect with higher parts of ourselves.
i am sure, those higher parts of ourseves will not agree to a connection, unless we are ready.
as i said in an other post, i had one connection with my monadic self (6d and a healer working with planets)
it made itself known to me as whan tar. once i gave this name to a friend, and asked her to connect to it. she later cam back and said, she couldn't. she felt, she was not ready for it, the energy was to overwelming. i only mention this, to indicate the difficulties with connecting to a being of this level. it would need to lower it's vibration substantially, to be able to stay with it for some time.
i could get a connection if i asked for it, yet of what i need to do on this planet it would not serve any purpose.
so i don't.
regards detlef
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