Is Jesus important?
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08-07-2008, 01:02 PM
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Oct 2005
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dear supermanny and everyone,
i shared a link for this treatise on "faith, hope and love as a counterforce to evil" in gd, christ jesus thread, re-anti-christ figures:this is fr part 2, can see part one from bottom of page also.
"the sun mysteries of the good – the cosmic christ
the mysteries of the good, the mysteries of the cosmic christ have been known since the first cultural epoch of our 5th post atlantean age. the indians saw the redeemer descending to earth, the mighty sun being, as rama or vishvakarman or krishna, the persians saw the redeemer as ormuz, the egypto chaldeans saw him as osiris, the jewish people saw him as jehova, and the greeks as apollo. it was only in the late greco roman times that the human being experienced the physical incarnation of this cosmic god."
also, for fuller coverage, if you go to
and search through smith's works for mithra you will find more:
"that the ancient mysteries were part and parcel of the fabric in which judaism and christianity developed is indicated, for instance, in the relationship between the biblical account of elijah and the ancient mystery of persia known as mithraism. "
bobby matherne has an outstanding reveiw of steiner's "turning points in spiritual history", from which this is an excerpt:
"similarly, steiner revealed to the world that naboth and elijah in parts of the bible were the same human being. smith discussed how this came to be in his essay "widow's son" in his book the burning bush, crediting steiner for describing the nature of the connection between naboth and elijah:
[page xii] the focus of that essay was the personality known in the book of kings as both naboth and elijah, for until steiner it could hardly be known that they were one and the same. naboth was the personality's name prior to his initiation into the mysteries of mithra, elijah the name given to him when initiated as described in the book of kings.
smith's twenty-seven page introduction provides an excellent
écis of the many contributions steiner made to furthering our understanding of how zarathustra, hermes, moses, elijah, and buddha each played a crucial role in the life of jesus and his subsequent baptism."
also matherne described,
"with the popularity of the anastasia books in russia, europe, and increasingly in america, one might wonder how a mysterious recluse could dwell in the midst of the siberian taiga and yet exercise such forces of power and intensity as she is reputed to have. steiner observes that great forces often operate in isolation and obscurity, going back to the days of elijah.
[page 173] although these days it is inconceivable that a mysterious personality such as we have portrayed, and known only through rumor, could dwell in our midst in the guise of a simple and homely neighbor without all the facts becoming known, in olden times such a circumstance was undoubtedly possible. we have learned that throughout all human evolution it is precisely those forces that are of greatest power and intensity which operate in an obscure and secret fashion.
elijah's mission is spelled out by steiner, giving as the main reason the sinking of the hebrew people into materialism so far that disaster would soon fall upon them. elijah was to turn the hearts of his people away from materialism and back to the spiritual world."
towards the end of the review he gives more about the "thou shalt not" clauses moses relayed, which i will not duplicate here but please read entire review.
quite central to lynette's title for this thread, matherne includes:
"you, by virtue of reading this review of a set of lectures by rudolf steiner, may be thinking that this is like preaching to the choir — you know much of this already. but there are many people who have lost their way because the external sciences haven been systematically undermining the very basis of christ jesus's divinity. by using methods of history, archaeology, and anthropology they strive to convince people that he was but a human being, if he existed at all, and that his teachings are just one among many great teachings which may benefit gullible believers." nina
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