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Old 09-07-2008, 12:05 PM   #28

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Oct 2005
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hello everyone,
i started "christ jesus" thread to relay significant information which i feel is important to be aware of, concerning the two jesus children. i'd heard about it years ago but put it aside because cayce readings did not speak of it.(how could it be true?) i remained loyal to cayce readings. as i detailed, time presented opportunity for further study and i see much more that steiner revealed which was not given in the cayce readings.
this forum may not be designed to study cayce readings but a relationship w/ra as potential source of those readings is considered. i am sufficiently impressed that steiner was speaking the truth about the two children, which account for the discrepencies in gospels of luke and matthew. cayce readings claim that the different lineages given in those gospels are due to luke's jesus's line being from mary, and in matthew's, from joseph. bible claims both are jospeh's line which is what steiner claims and explains.
i cannot speculate why cayce readings said what they did. for me, it is a big deal. so, do i believe what ra says about jesus? i am more comfortable with steiner. he did provide interesting accounts of more about certain historical figures ra speaks of in his
"principles of spiritual economy" which will only share small excert here, from matherne's review :
"[page 19] the etheric and astral bodies of jesus of nazareth were multiplied and the copies preserved until they could be used in the course of human evolution. however, they were not bound up with this or that nationality or tribe. but when in the course of time a human being appeared who, irrespective of nationality, was mature and suitable enough to have his own etheric or astral body interwoven with a copy of the etheric or astral body of jesus of nazareth, then those bodies could be woven into that particular person's being. thus we see how it became possible in the course of time for all kinds of people to have copies of the astral or etheric body of jesus of nazareth woven into their souls. the intimate history of christian development is connected with this fact.

on pages 20 to 31 steiner details the progress of christianity through the physical, etheric, astral, and ego realms. in the early centuries after jesus christ walked the earth, the dissemination of christianity was bound up with physical impressions of jesus: personal memories, personal contacts, places he sat, etc. the need to link people back, one by one, till one arrived at peter, a companion of jesus, was deeply felt. by the time of st. augustine, the need for physical memories faded and a feeling welled up as a direct knowledge of the existence of christ. helping this process of direct knowing was the etheric bodies of christ that were extant in large numbers of people. proceeding from the twelfth to fifteenth centuries many copies of jesus's astral body had interwoven with important figures of christianity, such as francis of assisi. even though humans of assisi's time had egos capable of forming lots of false ideas about things, the pervasive presence of the astral bodies of jesus of nazareth interwoven into the fabric of society left no doubt whatsoever about the existence of jesus and his holy truths. "

as matherne also shares therein, this info which was also not presented in the cayce readings(they did not identify lazarus as the author of revelation and gospel of john):
"previously an initiate who wished to be led to the christ spirit had to undergo a three and a half day test which involved being placed in a state of apparent death. this was the experience of lazarus, the great initiate and beloved disciple of jesus of nazareth, who later wrote the gospel of john and book of revelations in the bible. christ jesus was the teacher, the hierophant, that brought lazarus out of his death-like trance after three and one half days. the gospels are quite clear on the point that christ jesus was not concerned about lazarus's welfare when told that lazarus had died. "he is asleep," was his response. but for the mystery of golgotha, each of us would have to endure such a rigorous process in order to perceive the spiritual essence of christ. in our redemption, christ has made this test unnecessary for us by undergoing the process himself at a deeper level in the mystery of golgotha.

[page 65] the christ has liberated us from this three and a half day test, and it is through him that the exercises mentioned above have become possible without intercession by the hierophant. we see the first example of this in saul when he became paul. what happened to him on his way to damascus must be interpreted as something similar to an initiation.

st. paul first perceived the christ being directly shortly after the mystery of golgotha and proclaimed the good news that jesus of nazareth who had been crucified was the christ being whose progress towards earth had been perceived and proclaimed as far back as the original zarathustra in the ancient persian epoch. he was followed later by st. augustine in whom the etheric body of christ began to work and allowed him to become our "best interpreter of paul's letters." (page 67) next we find the astral body of christ woven into thomas aquinas due to a fortuitous circumstance.

[page 68] when thomas was a child, lightning struck nearby and killed his little sister. this seemingly purely physical event made him suitable to receive into his own astral body that of christ.

thomas aquinas came to earth during a time when the human reasoning power began to flourish due to influx from the powerful influence of arabism, "a truly intellectual science." with aquinas, "human thought rises to new heights." but there is one more great mind to be discussed and steiner naturally leaves that person out, and that one is rudolf steiner himself. he was to contain in one person the clairvoyance of paul, the direct feeling sense of augustine, the reasoning power of aquinas, and the ego of steiner to create a spiritual science suited for the modern world of the 20th century when the etheric body of christ is blooming on the earth exactly two thousands years after the mystery of golgotha. here is his own words he tells us what he was doing:

[page 69] today i have tried to show you how the liberation of the intellect was the first stage of christianity. this is only one leaf, but others will grow on the mighty plant of christianity, one after the other. the blossom will be the total beauty of the earth, renewed through christianity, and the fruit will be the new world for which today's earth is the preparation.

as christ taught, is still teaching, and will be teaching to the end, he can be found by those who seek him.

what can each of us do in our lives to further the blossoming of this flower we call earth." for me, all of the above has "practical value" - nina
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