Is Jesus important?
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07-13-2008, 03:40 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hi all!
many more wise thoughts from everyone! mark and ewhaz, i think you both made excellent points....
so we see that for thousands of yrs. particular souls have came here that seem to have a deeper knowledge on how to achieve enlightenment or how to provide your soul growth here. jesus is the most recent one to come to us and so many can relate to him, through the consciousness of christ, if you will. so can it be like this....all of these souls, even though there is one consciousness, they have created their own fragment of their selves that connects to this dwelling on their lives, how the lived, what they did, you or we can learn from their lives, actually tap into their thoughts and feelings, so to dwell in the buddha mind or the christ mind can provide growth and lessons, but yet there is still a deeper connection for those who need the more...and its our own consciousness connection to the one.
when jesus says that through him we can be saved, i see this as one of the paths. here is why....a woman or man of good faith, good intentions, good morals and values, trying to always do right, still can die without any savior and still have growth in their vibration. we do have everything we need to grow in vibration without anyone saving us, but, the path of growth through another souls experience is a path that can provide growth as well. so is jesus important? yes, for there are many souls that need this example, they dont feel they have within them all by themselves, what is needed to grow in their they come to buddha, or christ, and follow the example given, learn through the trials of that individual, and humble themselves through what that person did as a whole for humanity. it is defiantly a path that can provide growth....but some find, after that level of growth, they are ready for the more....and many here at this forum are a part of that more. i dont find it ironic at all, that we are on the cusp between ages, and souls are ready for the more.
there are many paths for growth, and me personally, i keep these souls like jesus, close to me in my living, because they are reminders to me daily, that the purpose of us is bigger then what i can imagine. i grew alot with jesus, his life actually humbled my life in many many ways. i also feel that it is possible, that jesus knew he was at the level of growth where he was going to have his own kingdom in the logos, and he invites everyone and anyone who would like to be a part of it, it like joining a family. or mabey some are predestined to be a part of that family, because some are fragments of that particular soul group.
im starting to ramble and not make sense, ill stop there
peace to all,
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