Reptilaian Creatures
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08-25-2007, 12:17 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
trying to pack an aeon of history into the few years left could be a substantial distraction, albeit an interesting one.
i forgot as well as dismissed a lot of negatives categories of esoteric data until recently, as i was talking to a younger friend about some basics like the energy field, someone who i perceive to be a negative entity brought up the 'annunaki' although i believe there is a [t] in there somewhere.
i could pass on what information i know, but i'm worrying that it is completely boggled, and it won't be corrected by someone who could be certain.
this person mentioned that there was only one in the vatican, a rabbi, who was allowed to lecture on the annunaki.
he also said that they engineered the human species for resources.
i have already put my 2 and 2 together but i think my total is 5, so i'll just be patient and focus.
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