Reptilaian Creatures
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08-31-2007, 12:23 PM
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Nov 2005
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in my view, david icke is caught in (popular or not, depends on the time frame) mythology (belief).
what i mean by that, is that there is a huge mythology throughout the human history, which is nothing but cosmic and what we call 'supernatural' events, that can't be described otherwise, but with myth. the word myth in greek, means a story. but the usual distinction between myth and story, is not that myth is a lie, but that myth is something else conveyed as a story, so that human beings can comprehend according to the knowledge they have attained.
it all comes from the so called gnostics of pre-christian or parallel to early christian era, in which we find supernatural beings being born of sophia, the mother whose body manifests as the earth, as a side effect of her passion and agony to stabilize her "gaze" (dream, or meditation of some sort) and thus her body in this particular realm that we are experiencing. hence, the "fall" of earth from heaven and the creation of the planet that we all know.
the gnostic mythology suggests that her first emanations were of the reptilian genome. a species that were regarded as a side effect, or a mistake, because of their ability to hold strong egos and be self centered, something that got somehow "corrected" later with the creation of the human. what this means, is that these people saw themselves as the center of the universe and the creators of it, much like modern 'new age' teaches humans in several cases, hence "you create your reality". this notion can be extended to a belief that humans have created the universe and everything that exists, given that we are all one with everything that exists. but that's utterly false and an oxymoron.
by oxymoron, i mean something like this: humans are god manifest, but god is not humans. a drop of water is water, but water is not that drop.
moving on. being self centered, these beings believing that they were the center of the universe and the creators of all, had the capacity to attain great pride in themselves and thus dismiss the divinity of the cosmos. that is to say, they believed that they were superior to god and his cosmos. "cosmos" in greek meaning a jewel, a decoration, a dressing to spirit and all that is.
that, from the biblical texts that derived from the same myths, was their "sin", which convicted them by universal law to live inside the earth, which is the body of sophia. thus, they became the demons that we all know about. which in my opinion, is nothing but the "ego" part of the angelic beings. that proud and immense ego, claimed the earth to be their property and they are the ones who invited humans to experience earth life as we now know it, which is in total or partial separation from the divine, that is, the forgetfulness of their dream and the beginning of their belief, which possibly resulted to the development of the human mind as we now know it.
but because the human was of other higher origin, that inevitably created conflict between these entities and the concept of evil was born, embodied in an entity that humans have called satan (and named by many names). the eternal battle of evil against good began.
but what do "reptilians" have to do with all this? well, there is no difference between those demons and the reptilians. what the demons do, the reptilians do, what the demons were accused for, the reptilians are accused for. it's just that the 'new age' belief, is not very fond of the concept of god and divinity, but substitutes everything in terms of alien creatures and politics. it is easier for them to believe in an entity called "infinite love", in the place of god and in entities called "reptilians", in the place of angels.
all the rest, you know it from david and his material. we are the universal energy of love, manifested in love, living in love, unless we possess and concentrate that energy in a self and merge it with beings that we call "vampires", who believe and want their egos to live forever. no ego lives forever though, because it is an illusion and this is nothing but deception. what an ego can become, is transcendent and incorporated into the universal logos, because it is part of that logos and it has always existed.
i know all this sounds a little crazy, but it is only left to imagination, there is no way one can understand the science behind it, not even myself, because our human science is not yet that advanced.
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