Question about "permanent separation" and "misplacement"
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07-29-2008, 03:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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Question about "permanent separation" and "misplacement"
in session 50, query 5 of the law of one, it is mentioned that "there is no entity without help, either through self-awareness of the unity of creation or through guardians of the self which protect the less sophisticated mind/body/spirit from any permanent separation from unity while the lessons of your density continue."
now, this brought me up short. permanent separation? that sounds really very bad. (or really very good if you are negatively-oriented i guess). the fact that measures are being taken to prevent this almost indicates that it has happened. having inherited a worry-prone nature, i worry about this possibility. what would be the experience of one who was permanently separated from the creator? it sounds awful.
likewise, in session 64, query 4, it is mentioned that measures are routinely taken to prevent one being "misplaced". anyone know what that's all about? it doesn't go into enough detail for me, and i haven't been able to find much else about it. i haven't read the whole law of one books yet, though.
any input on either subject is appreciated.
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