Will there be artists in the 4D world?
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07-25-2008, 09:16 PM
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Oct 2005
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i hope this will really help you...
if you want further explanation, i'd be totally happy to elborate!
i'm a very serious musician, and my entire 10+ years of music lead up to this realization i had about 2 weeks ago.
this is not easy to put succinctly...
look at the difference between music in recent times and music as it's always been. so many people if you ask them what music is, they will say something relating to commercial music. commercial music is almost completely about approval seeking. really think about how true that is... all of the people trying to start bands and make records. what are they doing? i'm not saying it's total selfishness and negativity, but there's a lot of underlying feelings of "i need to be good so people give me compliments".
music in the pure sense, the ancient sense, is a personal thing. like a tool. one doesn't create it to get people to like them (really look at how many people do that). music, in this sense, can mean so many different things, all very much in the realm of service to others rather than self.
of course you can relate this concept to art in general rather than just music.
try this exercise: make a list, over the course of several days or weeks. list all of the things "art is" that have to do with serving others and if you like, the creator. also, you can include things that make you happy as long as it's not about seeking approval (for example, i have a musical ritual i do that is used to generally prepare me for something, a prayer, meditation, important meeting etc.)
you can start everything on the list with the phrase: art is
here are some things from my list. (i use music is)
- music is something that helps people let-out and deal-with their sadness and pain
- music is played at a wedding to bring people together
- music is what i use to prepare my mind and heart
- music is used to heal
- music is sung/played by a group of people to strengthen unity
- music is a way of communicating feelings beyond words
- music is a tool for connecting with the divine
considering all of this, is there any question that art will be present in the 4d world? :d
the only difference is that art/music will not be about seeking approval. and why would anyone want to keep that part anyways? i've already begun to let it go, and everybody can do that, as soon as they realize this truth i've just attempted to explain.
in short, all of the pure things about art will remain, just as the pure things about communication will remain.
by "pure" i basically mean, service-to-others-oriented.
again, if you want to discuss this further, i'd be very happy to do so :d
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