Oneness without law, principles, or will?
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07-26-2008, 08:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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haha, mark i was going to say the same thing. so it looks like everyone is gaining a path of service to others in one way or another. my examples that i was going to give, were that just as a child grows into an adult, no matter what choices were made either negative or positive that child grew into an adult regardless, just as a plant will grow from a seed to a spruce. evolution ensures that life will be lived as according to god. even though some people would like to deny it, thats just so that those individuals can learn in their own way. and regarding the bible, i haven't read the bible at all, but just from looking at how my parents raised me and how they subjugated their morals onto me subconsciously through love and rules pertaining the law of one i was able to understand at a certain age that there is more to life then what is told in the news paper and on t.v and so forth, and that i have my own world around me and that the love that i show my self, others around me in my life and vice verse is what will grant me love in the future without having to plan anything out or worry that something wrong will happen. because really if this world is about confusion and mystery, then that is there to keep you in the now and not to have you stray into wondering about false realities, just like the illusions we fantasize about in our minds. we are playing out in an illusion in god's mind and the lesson is to realize that everything around is not what it looks and that it is love expressing itself the way it wants to just like me or you. hope that helps a little
love shall prevail
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