The Mark of the beast, what is it?
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06-21-2008, 12:49 PM
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Oct 2005
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the mark of the beast is said to be on the forehead and on the hand. the forehead and hand has always symbolized the mind and our actions. the beast in the book of revelation is said to demand worship or else risking the lost of the right to do business (buy or sell). a beast has always represented a kingdom, nation, or power. from these symbols we can see that a super power (possibly the usa) will enforce a religion (union of church and state) and demand it to be practiced, taking over our mind and actions (thus taking our rights away). some say it's enforced sunday worship (blue laws) and others may think it's sun worship itself. the irony is that it's certain christians who don't keep sunday that actually believe this (they keep the sabbath of the jewish 10 commandments, allegedly the same laws that applied in eternity). so to these certain christians, this religion-imposing "beast" is a threat to them.
in summary, the mark is to brainwash us into following some sun god related religion..
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