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09-08-2008, 03:23 AM
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Nov 2005
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just recently i had read a question about synchronicity, the use of the word appeared to be used more and more in human events after carl jung used this word to describe acausal events which occur that seem to have a significance. people that take notice of such events seem to have serendipitous life occurences. much of it is due to being conscious that such events can and do take place. these events work quite strongly for people that want to create or are creative about their life. it is an important factor in spiritual evolution and understanding. many times people have such significant events happen in their lives but do not act on them. they continue to live out old modes of behavior which are no longer helping their souls evolution like the significant events that are giving them clues to their freedom. sometimes we have to be knocked in the head before we finally get the message. i think most of us have experienced this.
examples of synchronistic statements that have had relevance to my life:
one kriya practiced in 30 seconds is equal to one year of the souls evolution. ex2: it is not by coincidence that you have come to this place in your learning.
ex3: the guru and the disciple are one.
spiritual needs are met thru the use of these two words (synchronicity and serendipity) and experiences that happen as a result of them.
there are many ways to climb a mountain. may we all meet each other at the top.
steve hydonus
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