Interesting verses on "resurrection" and "ascension"
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06-28-2008, 11:23 AM
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Oct 2005
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dear rocky,
i found this from smith's
please don't ask me where! much given in his burning bush ch on trumpets. much also can be found if you search on the site. he has over 1000 pages total and for me, they are profoundly important works.
according to steiner, there were actually two jesus children born unto the house of david - one from his son solomon, the other from his son nathan.(smith has entire book on it - see the incredible births of jesus). i'm sorry, i put aside trying to understand particulars of ra material since found so much foundational merit in these studies. nina
the names jupiter, venus, and vulcan, given below, reflect future evolutionary state of our earth evolution.
"a critical distinction must here be made, however, between the resurrection of christ and that of humanity. the perfection of christ was absolute and thus during earth evolution his resurrection was of both the physical and etheric bodies (ignoring as here irrelevant the less dense astral body). the resurrection of humanity, of which luke speaks for instance in lk 20,35-36, is what it will experience when the mineral-physical body is permanently laid aside (with the end of reincarnation), and when at the “last trumpet” (1 cor 15; see “trumpet[s]”) the etheric body is also laid aside, both as a result of earth evolution leading to the jupiter condition of consciousness (see i-1 through i-3), the “new jerusalem” of rev 21. earth evolution is the “age” spoken of by christ (e.g., mt 28,20; mt 24,3; lk 20,34). humanity will convert its astral body to the manas (spirit self) state on jupiter, its etheric body to the buddhi (life spirit) state on venus, and its physical body to the atma (spirit man) state on vulcan. only at the last point can the physical body be said to be resurrected, for it only then attains the redeemed state of its original form or pattern, what steiner refers to as its “phantom” (see “form/phantom”). this is the state of the “one like a son of man” portrayed in rev 1,12-16, which during earth evolution only the christ could represent. nevertheless, his resurrection was humanity’s assurance that even that eventual state is guaranteed to those who take the christ “i am” into their being. the witnesses to christ’s resurrection experienced both his purified, mineral-free, nonatomic, physical body (i.e., phantom) as well as his etheric body. they experienced this through christ-enabled organs of perception other than their senses as we today know them. (passages that seem to indicate otherwise, such as lk 24,43, jn 21,13 and jn 20,27, dealing with the eating of fish and placing a finger in his wounds, will be seen to have a literally different meaning than that superficially assumed. see, for instance, point #2 in “peter, james and john.”) in the same manner (acts 1,11), those whose organs are thus prepared can now experience his return, the second coming, in the etheric world. rudolf steiner has shown us the “path” (mt 7,13-14) to the development of those organs of perception (e.g.,knowledge of the higher worlds and its attainment [khw], as well as in numerous other works). "
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