Strange physical change I need help with
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06-23-2008, 06:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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hey dihlon,
i can't speak to physical manifestation's in light of the shift, but
perhaps i can help shed some light on your high blood pressure situation in a more down-to-earth manner. but first, the dreaded universally required "disclaimer": "i am not a medical professional and i do not have any legal right to advise anyone on any health/disease issue." i simply enjoy trying to stay healthy using more natural means than are presently seen in modern day "health" care. (most doctor's treat symptoms, or effects rather than underlying causes.)
ok, that said, you mentioned no other change in your daily routine except the colon cleanse which in my opinion, makes it immediately suspect. i will tell you i don't know anything about the particular colon cleanse you are taking, but at one time i had seen a traditionally trained doctor (allopathic) who was a fan of edgar cayce's and saw some things a bit differently than many of today's doctor's. to make a long story short, she advised against the use of colonic's, preferring the more gentler fiber induced intestinal cleanses, due to the fact that colonic's upset the body's normal electrolyte balance, especially sodium/potassium which is the body's main blood pressure mechanism! also necessary mineral's are "washed out" of the intestine that normally would be reabsorbed as needed! (i have researched this on the net and found indeed it is so.)
although it doesn't sound like what you are doing is a straightforward "colonic", perhaps it is still "cleansing" more than is necessary, without replacing, and maybe a routine check on electrolyte and mineral levels with your doctor would be wise.
i would recommend a book called "the high blood pressure solution" by richard moore, m.d., ph.d. it goes into detail about food choices considering electrolyte balance, most importantly the ratio of sodium to potassium, along with others. it's big message is that high blood pressure is not an inevitability as we age, nor is it an inherited problem, but rather a lifestyle problem.
also there's always the ever-informative internet...
here's hoping your bp shift's down before you shift up!
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