Salvation from ego? What danger is it?
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06-21-2008, 12:10 AM
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Oct 2005
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[rockyrojas88 -i have a few question
do we not have the god-given power of choice to either let god save us from ego or to let ego detroy us physically and spiritually? if ego doesn't really destroy us and it were merely an illusion (meaning it doesn't exist) then why would we have to be saved from it? salvation assumes there is danger of something, but if it doesn't exist, how can ego even harm us? doesn't ego begin in the mind before it physically manifest? are not there unhealthy spiritual entities, beings, persons, etc (carrying unhealthy spirit) and that need to be spiritually nurished with the spirit? doesn't the spirit come from a source in it's purest original form? are demons figments of our imagination? if so, wouldn't that also make angels, gods, and even our own souls figments of our imagination? my psyche hursts trying to make sense of everything. perhaps everything is actually a figment of god's imagination lol basically i'm asking if the realm of ego will ever self-destruct....hmm.... the dilema i find in pantheism is that it sugests god is made in our image, and since no one is perfect, it suggests an imperfect god.]
i for one realize perfection is all around me. it is when i think it may be something other than what it is that i start to create an illusion of it being what it is not. if you think something other than you is going to save you, be patient because you have a long journey ahead of you. eventually, it'll all come back to... well, you!
in truth, no one needs saving... it's just another illusion of the mind... a hypnotic trance that has everyone going in circles.
one 66
grr my mind still hurts.....
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