I need advice/opinions on a recent interesting experience
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06-18-2008, 06:40 AM
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Oct 2005
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this post is basically directed to allykat, but perhaps others can benefit from its contents.
i, too, have a belief in past lives. a couple dreams i had years ago, i believe were in fact remembrances of past lives. in both of them the contents were indeed sad. however, i think these revealings are not intended to upset us, although they may temporarily. the purpose, i think, is to help us grow past whatever the issue was. the key, imho, is to accept it, forgive it, bless it, release it. if i've done it, then so can anyone.
i've done a few so-called past life regressions, basically hypnosis, through cd's. this isn't something i personally want to get obsessed with, but if i feel moved to, then i would undertake such regressions again. it's been said that from each soul's higher self perspective, all our lives are being lived simultaneously. (one of the cool things about being outside linear time!
thus, in dreamwork (not constrained by time), one may undertake the work needed to become more balanced/integrated regardless of "when" the issues arose.
in meditation, i sometimes fold my hands in prayer position over my heart. this is typically an "uplifting" experience. there are other times, however, when i feel a pressure/pain in this area. it quickly passes, but can be a bit unnerving (especially considering part of my family's history with heart issues!). is this a blockage, imbalance, etc.? (sorry, i'm not up on all the normally used lingo in these areas). i suppose it could, most likely is. if the heart chakra is the home of unconditional love, then it seems a physical discomfort there would indicate an aspect of myself where i am not being loving. again, it goes back to the never-fails mantra: accept, forgive, bless, release. i hope i do not seem irreverant; i really take this to heart (no pun intended).
i am slowly learning the practice of qigong. (qi=energy; gong=skill/work; sometimes spelled chi kung). through this discipline (and perhaps before starting) my physical body sometimes is literally too hot for some people to touch. i regularly shave my head, and when a certain family member whom i hadn't seen in awhile touched it, he quickly withdrew his hand, his eyes growing wide. my wife has remarked that on colder nights, when she wants to snuggle up with me in bed, she can't, as my body heat is, well, too hot for her to comfortably lie next to me.
i bring up this heat issue to let others - who are experiencing unexpected, unusual, unprecedented physical changes - know that they are not alone. we never are.
peace and love,
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