So what's the farthest thing "out there" you have heard of?
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09-07-2008, 05:36 AM
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Oct 2005
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yes i definetly believe things are being thrown directly in the open for us to figure out. i liked how on iron man he did have that free energy module in his chest but what really got to me was when the bad guy stated how he made it out of basically nothing in a cave, im sure free energy is very possible its just unknown becasue they dont teach the science behind. im not bashing einstein or anything but we need to move on with new theorys instead of just throwing all the new ones out cause it doesnt follow his theorys, this is #1 why we dont have any new energy technology cause they say if you dont agree with einstein your wrong. this doesent make any sense to me, and its a good reason why alot of people are having problems with quantum mechanics cause if its not einstein its wrong. no one great has came into the public eye since him casue according to the scientific community they would be wrong, now you notice i say "in the public eye". im sure some great quantum engineer is out there but he is probably underground casue his ideas would change the energy world and they dont want that.
answering the question about the farthest thing iv heard of is definetly in the new indiana jones movie. i'd like to ask you all a question, why would speilberg* make a film (indiana jones) with aliens at the end, i loved it , i know the story of the crystal skulls and actually live a town over in ontario along lake erie where a woman actually has one and it is quite amazing. but ya i ask why would he do that? all my friends who think im crazy for talking about ascension hated it, im just curious on why he would risk his name with throwing that out there, i truly feel that hollywood is trying to slowly push the public mind toward the idea of aliens and paranormal and just all out 2012. discovery channel had a special on the 13 skulls and its amazing, 13 skulls for 13 planets and not all the skulls are totally human some are a little different with the dome size. its amazing how they stated that if most of the 13 skulls are returned to an area in mexico it will tone down the energy of the planet or change frequencys, they said that if most of them are returned before 2012 it would greatly help. i find it amazing how they are all over the world and one is located along lake erie in canada in the city of port colborne, about 35 mintues from buffalo and another can be located in a cave in honduras is south america, i truly feel now that these skulls may have a purpose, they have been dated back to atlantis, they are perfectly symetrical and they say you would need a high speed diamond cutting tool to make them , so i ask the question where did they come from?
i also agree that reptilians eating kids and the soul catcher on the moon are way out there, im sure there are alot of fabricated conspiracys out there created to discredit the true ones, but hey what can we really do, all we can do is have faith in what we believe in and not let anyone tell you different, its takes alot to have faith in the unknown and its a true shame that there are people willing to take advantage of it.
another movie coming out is the happening which i believe has somthing to do with scalar weaponry and perhaps a way to drop the global population right under our noses, a definte friday 13th must see!
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