The what do you feel will happen poll
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05-06-2008, 10:52 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
it seems to me that we always have two choices in everything, it's either one or the other. as david so wisely says
"in your right hand is life.
in your left hand is death.
both are real. both exist in great proliferation all around us.
either one can be focused on, and become the sum total of what we see and experience in this reality.
we can prove that either one exists by our focus -- by how we interpret what we see." you can choose love or fear,
service to others or service to self,
now or never
any worrying i have ever done has been a waste of time. in my life everything in the last couple of years has changed for the absolute better, (not in material ways) but in spiritual ways and growth. it has been amazing. i'm not saying that there may not be more challenges and catalysts to go through, but i think that i am now much better prepared than i used to be.
i can't speak for everybody else and how they feel but i am so excited and positive about the future even though i truly don't really have a clue what is going to happen in the next couple of years. i do sometimes still feel tugs of fear but they are getting fewer and far between.
the other thing to think about is that
things get much worse, people suffer, less good things may actually turn into
things get much better, people unite, a rebirth of good it might be exactly what some need.
meanwhile i'm just going to keep taking one step at a time, with a few backward stumbles i'm sure. that's all i can do. i can't really speculate what others will do, they are only doing what feels right to them, but with all of us shining our lights on them, they may find a brighter way.
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