The what do you feel will happen poll
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06-06-2008, 02:07 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hard as i tried i could not give just one answer because i currently see all of these things happening. i know that through my growing awareness and awakening, my life is getting much better. i'm a c).
but simultaneously i see many, many who are opting to be a) choice types. and as one believes, one perceives, and in this co-creational plane one can't help but feel another's energetic ripples, so while i'm a c) i see a lot of a) out there.
predominantly though, it seems like most folk are caught in the non-choice of b). they are sleeping still. so, again, while a c), i hear an awful lot of b)'s snoring all the time.
of course, truly i like to think of myself as a
d) something truly and fundamentally immense changes in our perception of
reality and we leave all these "things" of better and worse behind
love, blessings, and abundance,
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