The what do you feel will happen poll
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06-07-2008, 05:44 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
these are all perfectly valid choices and some of us will choose one, while others will choose 2 or more at various different times.
what will you choose? the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that you are experiencing today are creating your tomorrows as surely as if each one was a brick or a 2x4 in the construction of tomorrow's building.
if you don't choose, you are in fact, actively choosing the default probability, which is governed by the mass consciousness.
never before in the history of humanity have so many choices been available. parallel realities that we may not consider 'real' are branching off at an incredible pace, as different aspects of ourselves and others explore other possibilities. in the vast infinity of intelligent creation there will be no possibilities left unexplored, but we are still responsible for where we direct the greater majority of our energy.
may each one of us enjoy our highest potential!
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