High school dropout, the story!(who else out there feels like this?)
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09-06-2008, 07:00 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
i can relate to you, jason. i slept through most of my classes and still managed to graduate with a c average. and i decided not to go to college because i knew i would be in debt, hate it and probably drop out. i spent many years traveling (i lived in 7 different cities in 10 years) and searching for who i am and just what i could possibly do in this world. and mostly what i figured out was all the things that i don't like and what i do not want to do. but i kept coming back to one thing that was always with me, from a little kid up to the present. but i didn't trust myself and i listened too much to other peoples doubts and i just put it on the shelf. now, many years later, i am starting to go after what i always wanted to do but didn't have the faith in myself to do before. that thing, for me, is music. and it is beginning to work out for me now. but most importantly, for the first time in my life, i am happy. i am excited and i am moving towards something that i like and a bright future.
i guess the bottom line of my story is that i always kind of knew what i wanted to do but i brushed it aside with all kinds of self defeating excuses until i was ready. so maybe you already know too. deep down in there, if you examine hard enough, you will see what it is.
let me ask you this: if you could do anything you wanted to do right now, regardless of any limitations/excuses you might have as to why you can't do it, what would you do? even if it is just travel or to experience places or things. that is a big part of all i wanted to do as a kid. just go places and do things. if that is all you want to do for now then go do it! save up some money and go. you will find that one thing leads to the next and by traveling and experiencing you figure out more and more what it is that you can do to make your living.
keep your head up, my friend. don't give up.
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