From Carla -Must read! Another layer Unfolded
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06-05-2008, 08:40 PM
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Oct 2005
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you should post all the updates as they are all interesting for the group...
l/l research transcripts
april 12, 2008 previous next table of contents
copyright © 2008 l/l research
saturday meditation
april 12, 2008
group question: our question tonight, q’uo, is: one gets the impression when reading the mystical texts within the distortions of christianity, zen buddhism, sufism, the yoga of hinduism and other, non-codified systems of thought, that the path to enlightenment demands of the seeker a great quantity and quality of time and energy and focus.
what would you say to the seeker of enlightenment whose obligations of service to family, work and society seem to preclude the possibility of devoting the requisite time and energy? additionally, can sufficient will and faith overcome these daily limits upon available time and energy?
l/l research transcripts
march 29, 2008 previous next table of contents
copyright © 2008 l/l research
saturday meditation
march 29, 2008
question from g: in the meditative state, if an entity concentrated upon sending instructions for desired programming to the subconscious or deeper self, would the deeper self respond in accordance to those instructions? for instance, would the self’s perception of self begin to be transformed if an entity, through concentration in a meditative state, told the self over and over, “i desire to see through the eyes of love”? what kind of power to effect changes do repeated affirmations have? how can one increase the effectiveness of the mantra?
l/l research transcripts
january 19, 2008 previous next table of contents
copyright © 2008 l/l research
saturday meditation
january 19, 2008
group question: the question this week q’uo is: what is your opinion of the use which ritual magic makes of repeated ritualized behavior to seek and serve the creator? it seems to utilize the doubling effect in that each repetition of the ritual seems to increase the seeker’s desire and purity to seek and serve the creator. would q’uo please describe how we, as seekers of truth, can bring this kind of magic into our daily lives?
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