Following your bliss
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02-06-2008, 10:32 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
greetings to you,
this is my point of view. please accept that i have difficulty putting concepts and feelings into words.
"follow your bliss" means exactly that. we are all love and light and we are all part of the creator therefore we are all the creator. all you see and sense around you is what you have created.
if you are experiencing bad things like debt, a rubbish job, failed relationships, it is because you have created them.
you are the love and the light and, when your beliefs and thoughts are aligned with that, life is a joy and happiness is yours.
for example, if you have financial debts it is because you have created them. you believe that you do not have enough money to get out of them. so you have to change this belief. you start to think positively. you work out a budget, you cut back a bit here and there, look for a job that pays more money. you write to the people you owe money to and request their help. you start to think, "yes, i have got enough." you begin to create a new reality for yourself.
you say,"follow your bliss, follow your heart."
your heart is pure. full of love and happiness. you have got to believe that. your heart is perfect. it is your dreams and your beliefs that are in conflict with your heart and you create these conflicts, these dreams, these beliefs. you can change them.
you can't run away from what you have created but you can change what you have created by creating something new.create what makes you feel happy. create happy situations. create good, happy thoughts. be positive. then, as things improve , your beliefs change as you see the effects around you change. show others the happiness and love you have already in your heart.
follow your bliss.follow your heart. it is full of joy and happiness. bring your dreams and beliefs in line with what you really are.
peace and love to you,
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