3 waves of wanderers
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05-24-2008, 05:12 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
foosnik - i can't get the hang of the quote thing, but i'd like to comment about your remark on feeling wise and naive at the same time. it's so great that you put into words what i've been thinking for years, and wondering about it. i'm constantly amazed when i'm reading on this forum, that so many experiences are the same. it helps not to feel so alienated and different.
anyway, what i have always felt was that i had this understanding that noone else around me had, but at the same time i couldn't get into any of the social games being played because i just didn't understand them. and definitely can't understand all the violence etc. that moves in this world.
but at the same time i have felt within me a lot of destructive thoughts that shocked me on another level. recently i heard someone say it was designed that way, that we come equipped with all those negative tendencies. then i thought, well maybe that's so we can understand the human perspective in order to be better able to heal it. one of my healing teachers told me that i was going through everything so that someday i would be able to understand someone who came to me for healing. that made sense. at least it gave some validity to all the suffering i seemed to be experiencing.
oh yes, and the 3 wave thing. i remember first being exposed to this idea in a get together with someone who was bringing info from the [a channelled group] (bunch of crazies, i thought to myself) many years ago. the woman said that everybody who was in the room was part of the first wave of volunteers coming as lightworkers to help this planet, and that we had the most difficult job and therefore we were the strongest and best of the volunteers. that was news, since i felt about as strong and effective as a gnat.
no way, i thought would i volunteer to come to this god forsaken place and go through all this hell. still, that episode stayed in my mind, and now a lot of pieces are falling into place. i believe she did talk about it being 3 waves.
so thanks, foosnik, for bringing this up. i love all these pieces of the puzzle coming together, and being able to share the information with the wonderful peole on this forum.
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