3 waves of wanderers
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05-28-2008, 07:02 PM
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Oct 2005
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i think the language we have to learn to survive in this world is the biggest limiting factor that causes us the most problems yet with out it how would we function ?
putting labels on things like car,sky,tree,ect makes sense and doesn't seem to be the problem its only when we label other humans does it seem to go wrong, by calling another a wanderer a indigo or a crystal person may do more harm than good.
i am not sure if its because language is supposed to be predominately left brained but i am starting to understand that by labeling some one it some how puts a wall up between them and my self and gives the illusion of duality.
i have noticed dw has made a point of this several times in his video's... 'they' is another word he says to be wary of.
when dw channels ra .... ra refers to us as one entity the human species yet we
label each other to the extreme race color looks ect ect yet beneath the skin our anatomy is pretty much the same.
the only distinction that seems to be of any importance is that we are all transmitters of "energy" love or fear and that we have to choose which energy we allow our selves to transmit, recognizing making the distinction and healing of our hidden fears or thoughts is what i believe he means by our shadow selves.
there are two rivers one is gentle and deep and leads to the ocean the other is rapids shallow full of rocks and leads to a-dam.... our choice
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